What Do Priests Say at Weddings

What Do Priests Say at Weddings

The wedding ceremony is a sacred and joyous occasion that marks the beginning of a new chapter in a couple's life. The words spoken by the priest during the ceremony play a vital role in setting the tone and conveying the significance of the event. These words are often carefully chosen to reflect the religious beliefs of the couple and to offer guidance and blessing for their future together.

In many Christian traditions, the wedding ceremony includes readings from the Bible, which provide a biblical foundation for the marriage covenant. The priest may also ask the couple to exchange vows, which are promises of love, fidelity, and support. The priest will then pronounce the couple married, declaring them to be one flesh and one spirit.

what do priests say at weddings

The words spoken by the priest during a wedding ceremony are carefully chosen to reflect the religious beliefs of the couple and to offer guidance and blessing for their future together. Here are seven important points about what priests say at weddings:

  • Readings from the Bible
  • Exchange of vows
  • Pronouncement of marriage
  • Declaration of one flesh and one spirit
  • Blessing for the couple
  • Prayer for the couple's future
  • Concluding remarks

The specific words used by the priest will vary depending on the denomination and the couple's preferences, but these seven points are common to most Christian wedding ceremonies.

Readings from the Bible

Readings from the Bible are an important part of many Christian wedding ceremonies. These readings provide a biblical foundation for the marriage covenant and offer guidance and wisdom for the couple's future together.

  • Genesis 2:18-24

    This passage describes the creation of Eve and her marriage to Adam. It emphasizes the importance of companionship and mutual support in marriage.

  • Ephesians 5:21-33

    This passage outlines the roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives in a Christian marriage. It emphasizes the importance of love, respect, and submission.

  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

    This passage is known as the "love chapter" and describes the qualities of true love. It is a reminder to couples of the importance of love, patience, kindness, and forgiveness in marriage.

  • John 15:12-17

    This passage emphasizes the importance of love and sacrifice in marriage. It reminds couples that they are called to love one another as Christ loved the church.

These are just a few of the many Bible passages that can be used in a wedding ceremony. The specific readings chosen will depend on the couple's preferences and the denomination of the church.

Exchange of vows

The exchange of vows is a central part of many wedding ceremonies. It is a time for the couple to publicly declare their love and commitment to one another.

  • The vows are typically spoken by the couple themselves

    They may choose to write their own vows or to use traditional vows that have been passed down through generations.

  • The vows typically include promises of love, fidelity, and support

    The couple may also promise to cherish and respect one another, and to work together to build a strong and lasting marriage.

  • The vows are a sacred and binding承诺

    They represent the couple's commitment to one another and to their marriage.

  • The exchange of vows is a powerful and moving moment in the wedding ceremony

    It is a time for the couple to express their love and commitment to one another in front of their family and friends.

The specific vows that a couple chooses to exchange will vary depending on their personal beliefs and preferences. However, the vows are always a central part of the wedding ceremony and a powerful expression of the couple's love and commitment.

thereupon, I pronounce you man and wife

The pronouncement of marriage is a solemn and autunno moment in the wedding ceremony. It is the point at which the priest officially declares the couple to be married.

The specific words used in the pronouncement of marriage will vary depending on the denomination of the church. However, the general формулировка is the same. The priest will typically say something like, "I thereupon pronounce you man and wife." or "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife."

The pronouncement of marriage is a legal and binding act. It signifies that the couple is now married in the eyes of the church and the state.

The pronouncement of marriage is often followed by a blessing from the priest. The priest may also offer some words of advice or encouragement to the couple.

Declaration of one flesh and one spirit

In many Christian wedding ceremonies, the priest will declare the couple to be "one flesh and one spirit." This declaration is based on the words of Jesus in the Bible:

"Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate." (Matthew 19:6)

The declaration of one flesh and one spirit signifies that the couple is now united in a unique and служи bond. They are no longer two separate individuals, but are now one.

  • This unity is physical
  • This unity is emotional
  • This unity is spiritual
  • This unity is intended to be permanent

The declaration of one flesh and one spirit is a reminder to the couple of the sacred and lifelong commitment they have made to one another.

Blessing for the couple

In many wedding ceremonies, the priest will offer a blessing for the couple. This blessing is a prayer that asks God to watch over and protect the couple as they begin their new life together.

  • The blessing may include a prayer for the couple's happiness
  • The blessing may include a prayer for the couple's health
  • The blessing may include a prayer for the couple's prosperity
  • The blessing may include a prayer for the couple's spiritual growth

The specific words of the blessing will vary depending on the denomination of the church and the priest's own personal style. However, the general intention of the blessing is always the same: to ask God to bless the couple and to help them build a strong and lasting marriage.

Prayer for the couple's future

In addition to the blessing, the priest may also offer a prayer for the couple's future. This prayer is typically more specific than the blessing and may include a request for God's help in specific areas of the couple's life.

  • The prayer may include a request for God's help in the couple's relationship
  • The prayer may include a request for God's help in the couple's careers
  • The prayer may include a request for God's help in the couple's finances
  • The prayer may include a request for God's help in the couple's spiritual growth

The specific words of the prayer will vary depending on the denomination of the church and the priest's own personal style. However, the general intention of the prayer is always the same: to ask God to help the couple build a strong and lasting marriage.

Concluding remarks

The concluding remarks of the wedding ceremony are an opportunity for the priest to offer some final words of advice and encouragement to the couple. The priest may also use this time to remind the couple of the sacred vows they have just made.

  • The priest may encourage the couple to always put their love for each other first
  • The priest may encourage the couple to be patient and understanding with each other
  • The priest may encourage the couple to seek God's help in their marriage
  • The priest may remind the couple that their marriage is a lifelong commitment

The specific words of the concluding remarks will vary depending on the denomination of the church and the priest's own personal style. However, the general intention of the concluding remarks is always the same: to offer the couple some final words of advice and encouragement as they begin their new life together.


What are some of the most common things that priests say at weddings?

Priests typically say a variety of things at weddings, including:

  • Readings from the Bible
  • The exchange of vows
  • The pronouncement of marriage
  • The declaration of one flesh and one spirit
  • The blessing for the couple
  • The prayer for the couple's future
  • Concluding remarks

What is the purpose of the readings from the Bible at a wedding?

The readings from the Bible at a wedding are intended to provide a biblical foundation for the marriage covenant and to offer guidance and wisdom for the couple's future together.

What do the vows typically include?

The vows typically include promises of love, fidelity, and support. The couple may also promise to cherish and respect one another, and to work together to build a strong and lasting marriage.

What is the significance of the pronouncement of marriage?

The pronouncement of marriage is the point at which the priest officially declares the couple to be married. It is a legal and binding act that signifies that the couple is now married in the eyes of the church and the state.

What is the meaning of the declaration of one flesh and one spirit?

The declaration of one flesh and one spirit signifies that the couple is now united in a unique and sacred bond. They are no longer two separate individuals, but are now one.

What is the purpose of the blessing for the couple?

The blessing for the couple is a prayer that asks God to watch over and protect the couple as they begin their new life together.

What is the purpose of the prayer for the couple's future?

The prayer for the couple's future is a more specific prayer that asks God to help the couple in specific areas of their life, such as their relationship, their careers, their finances, and their spiritual growth.

What are some tips for choosing a priest to officiate your wedding?

When choosing a priest to officiate your wedding, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The priest's personality and style
  • The priest's beliefs and values
  • The priest's availability
  • The priest's fees
It is also important to meet with the priest in person before making a decision. This will give you an opportunity to get to know the priest and to ask any questions you may have.


Here are a few tips for choosing what priests say at weddings:

Choose readings that are meaningful to you. The readings from the Bible are an important part of the wedding ceremony, so it is important to choose readings that are meaningful to you and your spouse. Consider your faith, your values, and your relationship when choosing readings.

Write your own vows. The vows are a unique opportunity to express your love and commitment to your spouse. Consider writing your own vows so that you can personalize them and make them truly your own.

Practice your vows. It is important to practice your vows before the wedding day so that you can deliver them confidently and smoothly. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend or family member.

Be yourself. The most important thing is to be yourself when you are saying your vows. Don't try to be someone you're not. Just relax and let your love for your spouse shine through.

By following these tips, you can choose what priests say at weddings that are meaningful and personal to you and your spouse.

The words that priests say at weddings are an important part of the ceremony. They provide a biblical foundation for the marriage covenant and offer guidance and wisdom for the couple's future together. When choosing what priests say at weddings, it is important to consider the couple's faith, their values, and their relationship.


The words that priests say at weddings are an important part of the ceremony. They provide a biblical foundation for the marriage covenant and offer guidance and wisdom for the couple's future together. When choosing what priests say at weddings, it is important to consider the couple's faith, their values, and their relationship.

The main points of this article are as follows:

  • Priests typically say a variety of things at weddings, including readings from the Bible, the exchange of vows, the pronouncement of marriage, the declaration of one flesh and one spirit, the blessing for the couple, the prayer for the couple's future, and concluding remarks.
  • The readings from the Bible provide a biblical foundation for the marriage covenant and offer guidance and wisdom for the couple's future together.
  • The vows are a unique opportunity for the couple to express their love and commitment to each other.
  • The pronouncement of marriage is the point at which the priest officially declares the couple to be married.
  • The declaration of one flesh and one spirit signifies that the couple is now united in a unique and sacred bond.
  • The blessing for the couple is a prayer that asks God to watch over and protect the couple as they begin their new life together.
  • The prayer for the couple's future is a more specific prayer that asks God to help the couple in specific areas of their life, such as their relationship, their careers, their finances, and their spiritual growth.

In conclusion, the words that priests say at weddings are an important part of the ceremony. They provide a biblical foundation for the marriage covenant and offer guidance and wisdom for the couple's future together. When choosing what priests say at weddings, it is important to consider the couple's faith, their values, and their relationship.

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