How Much Money to Give as a Wedding Gift

How Much Money to Give as a Wedding Gift

Deciding on an appropriate monetary gift for a wedding can be a tricky task. Factors such as your relationship to the couple, the formality of the event, and your financial situation should all be taken into consideration. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how much money to give for a wedding based on these factors.

The average wedding gift amount in the United States ranges from $100 to $200. However, it is important to note that this is just a general guideline. The amount you give should reflect your relationship to the couple and your financial means.

The following sections will provide more detailed guidance on how much money to give for a wedding, based on your relationship to the couple and the formality of the event.

How Much Money to Give as a Wedding Gift

Here are 10 important points to keep in mind when deciding how much money to give as a wedding gift:

  • Consider your relationship to the couple
  • Think about the formality of the event
  • Check for gift registries
  • Give what you can afford
  • Cash is always appreciated
  • Consider a group gift
  • Don't feel pressured to give a lot
  • Give a heartfelt gift
  • It's the thought that counts
  • Enjoy the wedding!

Following these tips will help you give a wedding gift that is both appropriate and meaningful.

Consider your relationship to the couple

The closeness of your relationship to the couple should be a key factor in determining how much money to give as a wedding gift.

  • Close family members

    If you are a close family member of the couple, such as a parent, sibling, or grandparent, you are expected to give a more generous gift. A good starting point is $100 per guest.

  • Close friends

    If you are a close friend of the couple, you can give a slightly less generous gift than a close family member. A good starting point is $50 per guest.

  • Acquaintances or colleagues

    If you are an acquaintance or colleague of the couple, you can give a morecism gift. A good starting point is $25 per guest.

  • Children

    If you are a child, you can give a small gift, such as a book or a gift certificate to a store that the couple likes. The amount of money you give is not as important as the thoughtfulness of your gift.

Of course, these are just starting points. You should ultimately give an amount that is comfortable for you and that reflects the strength of your relationship with the couple.

Think about the formality of the event

The formality of the wedding can also affect how much money you give as a gift. A more formal wedding, such as a black-tie event, typically warrants a more generous gift than a less formal wedding, such as a casual outdoor ceremony.

  • Black-tie wedding

    For a black-tie wedding, you should give a gift of at least $100 per guest. If you are close to the couple, you may want to give a more generous gift, such as $150 or $200 per guest.

  • Formal wedding

    For a formal wedding, you should give a gift of at least $75 per guest. If you are close to the couple, you may want to give a more generous gift, such as $100 or $125 per guest.

  • Semi-formal wedding

    For a semi-formal wedding, you should give a gift of at least $50 per guest. If you are close to the couple, you may want to give a more generous gift, such as $75 or $100 per guest.

  • Casual wedding

    For a casual wedding, you can give a gift of $25 to $50 per guest. If you are close to the couple, you may want to give a more generous gift, such as $50 to $75 per guest.

Again, these are just starting points. You should ultimately give an amount that is comfortable for you and that reflects the formality of the event.

Check for gift registries

Many couples create gift registries at stores such as Macy's, Crate & Barrel, and Amazon. This is a great way for them to let their guests know what they need and want for their new home. If the couple has created a gift registry, you can choose to purchase a gift from the registry or give them a gift certificate to the store.

  • Benefits of using a gift registry

    There are several benefits to using a gift registry. First, it ensures that you will give the couple a gift that they want and need. Second, it saves you the time and hassle of having to come up with a gift idea on your own. Third, it allows you to contribute to the couple's new home and help them start their married life on the right foot.

  • How to find the couple's gift registry

    You can usually find the couple's gift registry on their wedding website or by asking them directly. If you cannot find the registry, you can always call the store where the couple is registered and ask a customer service representative for help.

  • What to do if the couple does not have a gift registry

    If the couple does not have a gift registry, you can still give them a gift of cash or a gift certificate to a store that you think they will like. You can also choose to give them a personal gift, such as a photo album or a piece of art.

  • How much money to give if you use a gift registry

    If you choose to purchase a gift from the couple's gift registry, the amount of money you give will depend on the price of the gift. However, you should generally give at least the amount of money that is suggested on the registry.

Using a gift registry is a great way to give the couple a gift that they will love and appreciate. It is also a convenient and easy way to contribute to their new home.

Give what you can afford

The most important thing to remember when giving a wedding gift is to give what you can afford. There is no shame in giving a small gift, and the couple will appreciate the thoughtfulness of your gesture regardless of the amount of money you give.

  • Don't go into debt

    It is important to set a budget for your wedding gift and stick to it. Do not go into debt to give a gift that you cannot afford. The couple will understand if you give them a smaller gift, and they will appreciate the fact that you did not put yourself in financial hardship.

  • Consider your financial situation

    When setting your budget, consider your financial situation. If you are struggling to make ends meet, you may want to give a smaller gift. If you are more financially secure, you may be able to give a more generous gift.

  • Don't feel pressured to give a lot

    There is no need to feel pressured to give a large gift. The amount of money you give should be based on your own financial situation and the strength of your relationship with the couple.

  • Give a gift that is meaningful to you

    The best wedding gifts are those that are meaningful to the couple. If you are close to the couple, you may want to give them a gift that reflects your relationship. For example, you could give them a photo album filled with pictures of your time together, or a piece of art that you think they will love.

Remember, the most important thing is to give a gift that is from the heart. The amount of money you give is not as important as the thoughtfulness of your gesture.

Cash is always appreciated

Cash is always a welcome wedding gift. It gives the couple the flexibility to use the money for whatever they need or want, whether it's to pay for their honeymoon, make a down payment on a house, or save for the future.

  • Convenience for the couple

    Cash is the most convenient gift for couples because they can use it for anything they need. They don't have to worry about returning the gift or exchanging it for something they want more. It is a flexible and safe option that ensures the couple receives exactly what they want or need.

  • Avoids unwanted gifts

    Cash helps couples avoid receiving unwanted gifts. Sometimes, guests may not know the couple's taste or preferences, which can lead to gifts that are not to their liking. With cash, the couple can choose exactly what they want, ensuring they get something they'll love and appreciate.

  • Contributes to the couple's future

    Cash gifts can significantly contribute to the couple's future. Whether they're saving for a down payment on a house, planning for a family, or investing in their education, cash can help them achieve their goals faster.

  • Suitable for all budgets

    Cash gifts are suitable for all budgets. Whether you can afford to give a large sum or a smaller amount, the couple will appreciate your contribution. It's the thoughtfulness of the gesture that matters, not the size of the gift.

If you're considering giving a wedding gift, cash is always a great option. It's convenient, flexible, and appreciated by couples, making it a perfect choice for any wedding.

Consider a group gift

If you're on a tight budget or want to give a more substantial gift, consider pooling your money with friends or family members to purchase a group gift. This is a great way to give the couple something they really want or need, such as a down payment on a house, a new appliance, or a piece of furniture.

When giving a group gift, it's important to coordinate with the other contributors to ensure that everyone is on the same page about the gift and the amount of money they're willing to contribute. You can also choose to have one person purchase the gift on behalf of the group and then collect the money from the other contributors.

Group gifts are a great way to show the couple how much you care and to give them something that they'll truly appreciate. Here are a few tips for giving a group gift:

  • Choose a gift that is meaningful to the couple and that they'll actually use.
  • Set a budget and stick to it.
  • Coordinate with the other contributors to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Consider having one person purchase the gift on behalf of the group and then collect the money from the other contributors.

Group gifts are a thoughtful and generous way to show the couple how much you care. By pooling your money with others, you can give them something that they'll truly appreciate and that will help them start their new life together on the right foot.

Don't feel pressured to give a lot

It's important to remember that the amount of money you give as a wedding gift is not a reflection of how much you care about the couple. The most important thing is to give a gift that is from the heart and that is within your means.

There are a few reasons why you shouldn't feel pressured to give a lot. First, the couple is likely to be more focused on celebrating their marriage than on the value of the gifts they receive. Second, the couple is probably already receiving a lot of gifts, so your gift doesn't have to be the most expensive one. Third, you should only give what you can afford. It's not worth going into debt to give a gift that you can't afford.

Here are a few tips for avoiding feeling pressured to give a lot:

  • Set a budget for yourself and stick to it.
  • Don't compare your gift to the gifts of other guests.
  • Focus on giving a gift that is meaningful to the couple, rather than on giving the most expensive gift.
  • Remember that the most important thing is to celebrate the couple's marriage.

By following these tips, you can avoid feeling pressured to give a lot and can give a gift that is both meaningful and within your means.

Give a heartfelt gift

The best wedding gifts are those that are given from the heart. A heartfelt gift is one that is personal and meaningful to the couple. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, but it should be something that the couple will cherish for years to come.

  • Consider the couple's interests

    When choosing a heartfelt gift, consider the couple's interests and hobbies. If they love to cook, you could give them a new cookbook or a set of kitchen gadgets. If they love to travel, you could give them a gift certificate to their favorite airline or a travel guide to a destination they've always wanted to visit.

  • Make it personal

    A heartfelt gift is one that is personal to the couple. It could be something that reminds them of a special moment in their relationship, or it could be something that you know they'll love and appreciate. For example, you could create a photo album filled with pictures of the couple, or you could write them a heartfelt letter expressing your love and support.

  • Don't be afraid to be creative

    Don't be afraid to be creative when choosing a heartfelt gift. The most important thing is that the gift is something that the couple will appreciate and that comes from the heart. If you're not sure what to give, you can always ask the couple for suggestions.

  • It's the thought that counts

    Remember, it's the thought that counts when giving a heartfelt gift. The amount of money you spend is not as important as the thought and effort you put into choosing the gift. A heartfelt gift is one that will be cherished by the couple for years to come.

By giving a heartfelt gift, you're showing the couple how much you care about them and how happy you are for them. It's a gift that will be treasured for years to come.

It's the thought that counts

When it comes to wedding gifts, it's the thought that counts. The amount of money you spend is not as important as the thought and effort you put into choosing the gift. A gift that is given from the heart will be cherished by the couple for years to come, regardless of its monetary value.

Here are a few tips for giving a thoughtful wedding gift:

  • Consider the couple's interests

    When choosing a wedding gift, consider the couple's interests and hobbies. What do they like to do together? What are their favorite things? By choosing a gift that aligns with their interests, you're showing them that you know and care about them.

  • Make it personal

    A personal gift is one that is unique to the couple. It could be something that reminds them of a special moment in their relationship, or it could be something that you know they'll love and appreciate. For example, you could create a photo album filled with pictures of the couple, or you could write them a heartfelt letter expressing your love and support.

  • Don't be afraid to be creative

    Don't be afraid to be creative when choosing a wedding gift. The most important thing is that the gift is something that the couple will appreciate and that comes from the heart. If you're not sure what to give, you can always ask the couple for suggestions.

Remember, the best wedding gifts are those that are given from the heart. The amount of money you spend is not as important as the thought and effort you put into choosing the gift. A thoughtful gift is one that will be cherished by the couple for years to come.

Enjoy the wedding!

Once you've given your gift, the most important thing is to enjoy the wedding. This is a special day for the couple, and it's important to celebrate their love and happiness. Here are a few tips for enjoying the wedding:

  • Be present

    Put away your phone and focus on being present at the wedding. This means paying attention to the ceremony, mingling with the other guests, and dancing the night away. The couple will appreciate your undivided attention on their special day.

  • Have fun

    Weddings are a time to celebrate, so let loose and have some fun. Dance, sing, and laugh with the other guests. The couple will be thrilled to see you enjoying yourself at their wedding.

  • Be respectful

    While it's important to have fun, it's also important to be respectful of the couple and their families. Avoid getting too drunk or rowdy, and be mindful of your behavior.

  • Congratulate the couple

    Before you leave the wedding, be sure to congratulate the couple. This is a special day for them, and they'll appreciate your well wishes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you enjoy the wedding and help the couple celebrate their special day.


Here are some frequently asked questions about how much money to give as a wedding gift:


Question 1: How much money should I give as a wedding gift?


Answer 1: The amount of money you give as a wedding gift will depend on a number of factors, including your relationship to the couple, the formality of the event, and your financial situation. However, a good starting point is to give between $50 and $100 per guest.


Question 2: What if I'm close to the couple?


Answer 2: If you are close to the couple, you may want to give a more generous gift. A good starting point is to give between $100 and $200 per guest.


Question 3: What if I'm not close to the couple?


Answer 3: If you are not close to the couple, you can give a smaller gift. A good starting point is to give between $25 and $50 per guest.


Question 4: What if I'm on a tight budget?


Answer 4: If you are on a tight budget, you can give a smaller gift. There is no shame in giving a small gift, and the couple will appreciate the thoughtfulness of your gesture.


Question 5: Can I give a gift other than money?


Answer 5: Yes, you can give a gift other than money. However, it is important to choose a gift that is meaningful to the couple and that they will appreciate. You can also consider giving a group gift with other guests.


Question 6: What should I do if I don't know what to give?


Answer 6: If you don't know what to give, you can always ask the couple for suggestions. You can also check the couple's wedding registry to see what they need or want.

Remember, the most important thing is to give a gift that is from the heart and that is within your means. The couple will appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.

In addition to the FAQs above, here are a few additional tips to keep in mind when giving a wedding gift:


Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind when giving a wedding gift:

Tip 1: Consider your relationship to the couple.

The closeness of your relationship to the couple should be a key factor in determining how much money to give as a wedding gift. If you are a close family member or friend, you may want to give a more generous gift than if you are a more distant acquaintance.

Tip 2: Think about the formality of the event.

The formality of the wedding can also affect how much money you give as a gift. A more formal wedding, such as a black-tie event, typically warrants a more generous gift than a less formal wedding, such as a casual outdoor ceremony.

Tip 3: Check for gift registries.

Many couples create gift registries at stores such as Macy's, Crate & Barrel, and Amazon. This is a great way for them to let their guests know what they need and want for their new home. If the couple has created a gift registry, you can choose to purchase a gift from the registry or give them a gift certificate to the store.

Tip 4: Give what you can afford.

The most important thing to remember when giving a wedding gift is to give what you can afford. There is no shame in giving a small gift, and the couple will appreciate the thoughtfulness of your gesture regardless of the amount of money you give.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you give a wedding gift that is both appropriate and meaningful.

Giving a wedding gift is a thoughtful gesture that shows the couple how much you care about them and how happy you are for them. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that you give a gift that is both appropriate and meaningful.


Deciding how much money to give as a wedding gift can be a tricky task. However, by following the tips in this article, you can ensure that you give a gift that is both appropriate and meaningful.

The most important thing to remember is to give what you can afford. There is no shame in giving a small gift, and the couple will appreciate the thoughtfulness of your gesture regardless of the amount of money you give.

Other factors to consider include your relationship to the couple, the formality of the event, and whether or not the couple has created a gift registry. If you are close to the couple, you may want to give a more generous gift. If the wedding is formal, you may also want to give a more generous gift. And if the couple has created a gift registry, you can choose to purchase a gift from the registry or give them a gift certificate to the store.

Ultimately, the best wedding gift is one that is given from the heart. The amount of money you give is not as important as the thought and effort you put into choosing the gift. A thoughtful gift is one that will be cherished by the couple for years to come.

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